
Libertà’s Aziende TOP 500, the special edition of Piacenza’s daily newspaper dedicated to the region’s economy and businesses. Inside you will find the story of Alias’s growth which – after having celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2022 – is once more looking to the future as a result of a significant increase in turnover. The special features the facts, figures and statistics about employment, trends and macro economic data of forward-looking companies.

Collaborative robots and “know-how”, Alias 4.0 in progress:

Alias has already harnessed the potential of Industry 4.0 to create new business models, increase plant productivity and improve product quality. Last but not least, the commitment to improving the working conditions by making man and machine co-exist in increasingly safe and comfortable environments. Thanks to Alias’s new production line, today’s level of industrial automation is enhanced by new production technologies that connect the physical, digital and human environments. It is the sum of the advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, and other technologies.

As reported by the newspaper: We have been looking to the future to get ahead of the curve. This was the challenge that led to the birth of Alias at Settima di Gossolengo, Piacenza, more than twenty years ago, thanks to the farsighted vision of its founder Dario Vaccari with the technical support of Maurizio Castignoli. An Alias security door is synonymous with beauty in security. Doors that are designed and built to ensure excellent performance, built to last and able to offer total security. The company, which today has over 160 employees, is recognised throughout Italy and in over 30 countries in the European Union and beyond as a market leader in terms of the union of security and design. Since its inception, the company has redefined the boundaries of its industry, launching truly innovative products onto the market, thereby becoming the key player in a successful entrepreneurial venture that has allowed it to record incredibly accelerated revenue growth in just a few years.
A unique success story in its reference market.”. #alias aliasblindate #alias20 #libertapiacenza aliasblindate #alias20 #libertapiacenza

To download the preview of the Libertà 2023 – TOP 500 article